Hi all,
Just introducing you to another new release in our Pregnancy & Baby Care range of eBooks:
Colic - Ten Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night.
If you are spending endless nights not sleeping because your baby has colic and is crying non-stop then, this book will help you find the solution to end this right now!
This is what you'll discover through reading this book:
- Telling hints that your baby is sick, not colicky.
- Expert tips from parents of colicky babies to calm the crying.
- Tools you can use (some just lying around the house) to soothe your child, while also giving you a break from holding your child.
Plus ...here is just SOME of the expert advice you'll find inside:
- Hints your baby may just be sick and not have colic. (Page 3)
- Does feeding your baby formula cause colic? (Page 4)
- 5 possible causes of colic. (Pages 6-7)
- How to tell if your baby is simply crying from hunger. (Page 8)
- 6 common ways to calm your baby as they cry. (Page 8)
- How to prepare for predictable colicky moments. (Page 9)
- Tips from experience. Here's how parents are creatively stopping the crying. (Pages 9-10)
- The power of a napping schedule. (Page 10)
- How to cuddle your baby to comfort, even if they fight at first. (Page 11)
- Using pressure in this spot can soothe their crying. (Pages 11-12)
- 10 Do's And Don't to regain control. (Pages 12-15)
- Tricks for getting your baby to sleep through as much of the night as possible. (Pages 15-17)
- Why you should keep a colic diary... and 11 things to keep track of. (Pages 17-18)
- 10 tips for easier nursing at night. (Pages 18-22)
- Problems with giving your baby a nighttime bottle... and how to fix them. (Page 22-24)
- Using baby swings to soothe... here are some safety tips. (Page 24)
- The two best baby swings on the market. (Pages 25-26)
- 2 more recommended, “hands off” baby soothers. (Pages 27-30)
- A quick mix of water and herbs that may stop the crying. (Pages 30-32)
- A solution that can significantly reduce the hours of crying. (Page 33)
- Using sounds to save your ears and calm your baby. (Page 34)
- Easy steps to feeding your baby to soothe and distract your baby from crying. (Pages 35-37)
- Parent survival tips for surviving. (Pages 38-39)
- 9 tips for helping other children cope with their younger siblings crying. (Pages 39-40
How much is some peace, quiet and much needed rest worth to you? You can get instant access to "Colic — Ten Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night" for a small investment of $19.95 .
Take action now so that...
- Your baby gets needed rest.
- You get needed rest.
- And you both feel better knowing there are ways to treat symptoms of colic.
Happy reading and best wishes,
Rebecca Then, Manager, Solve It Ebooks
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